Pre-cut Applique Packs

Applique Shapes … Precut packs with fusible webbing attached.

They are attractively packaged and make great gifts. Iron them onto

  • patchwork projects
  • clothing such as Tee shirts and jeans
  • heavy papers and cardstock

Packs without fusible webbing for needleturn applique are also available on request.

Classic, Love and Country Hearts

Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 for $5
Available in
Assorted florals, stripes, marbles and checks
You Choose: Pastels or Bold? Mixed or single colourway
Assorted “Cotton Patch” Hand Dyed Fabrics
You Choose: Pastels or Bold? Mixed or single colourway

Classic Hearts
approx 4½”
Love Hearts
approx 4 x 4½
Country Hearts
approx 4½ x3½”


Small, Tiny and Curved Hearts
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on.
Pack of 20 for $10…….. 10 for $5
Available in
Assorted florals, stripes, marbles and checks
You Choose: Pastels or Bold …  Mixed or single colourway

Assorted  Hand Dyed Fabrics
You Choose: Pastels or Bold … Mixed or single colourway

Small Hearts approx 2″
Curved Hearts approx 2″
Tiny Hearts approx 1½”



Stars: approx 4″      Starlets: approx 2¼”
Available in
Assorted Yellows from spots, stripes, marbles and checks
choose  Pastel or Bold
Assorted “Cotton Patch” Hand Dyed Brights
You choose Mixed or single colourway
Stars Pack 10 for $10
Starlets 10 for $5


Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 24 for $10
Choose your shape from above selection and then your colour
Cotton Patch Hand Dyed Leaf Green … med and dark shades
Cotton Patch Hand Dyed Mixed Greens
Bulk Packof mixed ….50 for $20
Bulk pack of mixed…24 for $10
Bulk mixed pack contains mixed shapes and fabrics
plus tiny diamond and triangle shapes for variety

Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 20 petals and 4 centre circles    $10 (5 petals per flower with appropriately coloured centres)
Except Drooping style Pack of 16 (equal right and left curve) plus 4 oval centres
Choose your shape and then your colours.
Available in:
Cotton Patch Hand Dyed … one colourway per pack .
Select from variety of Pinks, Purples, Reds, Oranges, Yellows
Select pastel or bold shades of these colourways
Mixed Cotton Patch Hand Dyed Floral colours all in one pack
50 for $20 – mixed Cotton Patch Hand Dyed colours
Contains all petal shapes and 15 centre circles and a few oval shapes for interest
Petal and Leaf Shapes to choose from

Classic large: approx 2¾ x 1½” Classic small: approx 23/8 x 1″

Tear Drop large: approx 2½” long     Tear Drop small: approx 1½”long

Rhomboid: approx 2 x 1″

Curved/Drooping: approx 2 ½ inches long, equal numbers of right and left curving

Holly large: approx 2 ½ inches long Holly small: approx 1½ inches long



Scalloped Flowers
Large: 3″            Small: 2″
Centre circles appropriate to the size of the flower
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 large with 5 centre circles- $5
Pack of 5 small with 5 centres – $4
Fabrics to choose from:
Cotton Patch Hand Dyed – one colourway per pack
Select from Pinks, Purples, Reds, Oranges, Yellows
Mixed Pastel Prints in spots stripes, checks small prints etc


approx 4″
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 with large centre circle      $5 Mixed Yellows with contrast centre circles


approx 1½”
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 10 – $5Assorted small print and marble fabrics
approx 1½”
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 10 with small centre circle      $5 Mixed Yellows/ oranges with small contrasting centre circles


Prepacked Bells/Tulips
approx 1½”
Use small Tear Drop shape for tulip petal or striker for bell
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 10 with small tear drop shape    $8
Assorted small print and marble fabrics –  state colour preference

Berries / grapes

¾” circles
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 20 – $5
Pack of 50 – $10
reds or purples



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Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 large (4″)    –    $6
Pack of 5 small (3″)   –    $5
Fabrics to choose from:
Fossil Ferns or Mixed Pastels


Butterfly Heart Shaped Wings
approx 3¼” across
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Packs of 5 for $5
Pack contains:5 sets of wings( 2 shapes per set) cut “fossil fern” fabrics
5 body shapes cut from a contrasting fabric


Dragon Flies
approx 3″ across
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Packs of 5 …. $5
Pack contains:
5 sets of wings (4 shapes per set) cut from “fossil fern” fabrics
5 body shapes cut from a contrasting fabric
                          Web site new camera 055

Small Cup Cakes
(approx 3″ high)
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Packs of 5 for $10
Pack contains:
5 assorted tops – dripping icing and muffin tops cut from mixed small prints
5 assorted bases cut from stripes, checks and small prints
Assorted dots and triangles for embellishments

Large Cupcakes
approx 4″ high
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Packs of 5 for $13
Pack contains:
5 assorted tops – round and muffin tops cut from mixed small prints
5 assorted bases cut from stripes, checks and small prints
Assorted dots, triangles and tiny hearts for embellishments


 Ice-cream Cones
(approx 5″ high)
Fusible webbing attached – just iron on
Packs of 5 for $10
Pack contains:
5 assorted tops and cones – round and muffin tops
cut from stripes, checks and small prints
Embellished with dots, triangles and tiny hearts


Small Birdsbird 001
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 – $5
Variety of fabrics to choose from


approx  3½ x 3″
Fusible webbing attached, just iron on
Pack of 5 – $10
Five separate pieces make up the bow
Fabrics to choose from:
Mixed Pastel Prints in spots stripes, checks small prints etc
Mixed bolds: Blues, reds, purples, teal and yellows


       Curvy Owl       Lovely Owl            Curvy Owl         Brown Owl
Variety of colors and styles available. $7 ea.